Centrally located on Lafayette's west side, Thomas Miller Elementary School sits atop the Fourth Street hill near Kossuth Street.
Dedicated to the philosophy that all children can learn, the staff of Thomas Miller Elementary ensures that:
- All instruction is based on current research, best teaching practices and Indiana's Academic Standards
- Each student receives multiple focused small-group instructional opportunities daily
At Thomas Miller Elementary you will find:
- Just over 410 students in K-4
- Average class size: 22
- 95% free/reduced lunch
- 48% minority students
- 8% English learners
- 16% Special Education
- 28 licensed teachers; 66 total staff
- School counselor, nurse, speech clinician
- Specialists in library media, art, music and physical education
- Reading and math software to help students learn at their own pace
- Online assessments help teachers monitor progress and meet individual needs
- Computer lab with internet access
- Mobile computer lab allows laptops to be brought into the classroom
- Interactive whiteboard technology
- One-to-one iPads in grades three and four
Special Programs
- Davenport Curriculum Model monitors learning in three-week cycles, allowing identification of students who need additional instruction
- Title 1 federal funding provides additional staff for individual and small-group tutoring
- College Mentors for Kids and Big Brothers/Big Sisters mentoring programs
- Positive Behavior Support program rewards students for meeting schoolwide behavior expectations
- Daily 90-minute literacy instruction block
- Focused 30-minute small instructional groups in both language arts and math